Welcome to the homepage of PHAT (the Princeton Hardcore Administrator's Tool)



PHAT is currently in the design phase, with any code in the CVS currently there just to spawn more ideas, maximize the function library, and generally aid other developers who would like to help out.

If you don't know what PHAT is or what you're doing here, or if you'd like to help develop PHAT, you can click here to find out more.  If you'd like to subscribe to any of our mailing lists, you can click here to find out how.

PHAT aims to be a browser-based network management tool, with a very obvious slant toward switches, routers and other devices that allow a lot of control over individual nodes and entire branches of a network. PHAT is written entirely in PHP, utilizing the networking and SNMP functions built into PHP. If you want to know a (little) more about SNMP and how PHAT utilizes it, as well as seeing a couple of screen shots of PHAT, you can check it out here.

More information will be available on this page as it becomes available.

Thanks for dropping by!

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